

A-Z Fail

So here it is... A week since my last letter post, which incidentally was only the second letter of the alphabet... I'm amazed at myself. Now I could blame the fact that I have been sick with the flu this week, along with my family. But I won't. I could also blame the virus on my PC, but I don't think I should do that either. I could have easily picked up my iPhone and, even though it's annoying and typed up a post like I am right now.

But, let's just move forward! I have been working on some fun things this week from my couch- first thing is a guest blog over at Ashley's blog which I'm pretty excited about. She and Misty will be collaborating for Fairytale Fortnight starting April 17. I jumped on the opportunity to get involved because I love fairytales and I wanted to talk a little about the difference between Fairytales vs Faerie Tales. Confused? Well, come check it out!!

The next thing I'm excited about is I received a copy of my friend Terri's new book, In Leah's Wake... And she's so sweet that she sent me an extra copy to give away! More on that to come...


  1. Life has a funny way of laying waste to the best of plans. I received a jury duty summons for April 18th. Do these people not know that May would've been more convenient? Ah, well. At least you took part for the posts that you did. That's something worth celebrating!

  2. Nice to meet you through the A-Z challenge! Hope to see you around!

  3. I'm sorry you've been sick. I think you're right though, moving forward is the best plan. Best of luck with everything!

    Sarah Allen
    (my creative writing blog)

  4. Hi, I hope you're feeling better from being sick. :) I will check out that Fairytale link.

  5. Hey, at least your honest and gave it a go. I can't tell you how many blogs I stopped by that had zero letter posts.

  6. Laura, here is to an honest attempt at the challenge! I have an award for you!!

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