

Fostering Success with Melissa Foster Part I

Today's guest is Melissa Foster, best-selling author and founder of the World Literary Cafe, The Women's Nest
and Fostering Success. If you've spent any time at all ithe Indie Author Community, chances are you've seen her name.

Things we talked about:

  • How Melissa became a writer
  • Waiting until her children were in school before devoting time to writing
  • Writing, editing and publishing her first three books
  • How much her writing process has changed after each book
  • Querying agents for Megan's Way
  • Hesitancy to call herself "self-published" in 2009 because of prejudices at the time
  • Going through a vanity press and why she doesn't recommend this route
  • Reasons why small press still has a place for some authors
  • Her goal of having at least one book traditionally published and why
  • Melissa's ability to create a huge community for authors
  • Why a support system is critical for authors 
  • Fostering Success, a publishing education platform for authors

Melissa's books are Chasing Amanda, Megan's Way, and Come Back To Me.

Like this interview? Please be sure to share it with your pals!


  1. Interesting talking points! Good job, Laura!!

    xx, Lauren

  2. Thanks, Lauren! I appreciate you stopping by!

  3. Got to Love Mellisa Foster. Nice interview!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Jessi! Melissa is utterly prolific, isn't she? And, that's only half of it!! :)

  4. Great interview! I have been "following" Melissa Foster for a year now, and I am always amazed to find out what she will come up with next. She's a true inspiration and it was fun to be able to listen to her answer your questions.

    1. Thanks Bethany, you're the best! We had tried for video, but it didn't work out. The next part will hopefully pan out!

  5. Thank you, Bethany, and thank you, Laura. What a fun time I had chatting with you!


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