

Out of the Box Promotion with Bethany Lopez

Bethany Lopez is one of those authors who I try not to go more than a day without chatting with. She's always supportive to all her friends, whether published or not, and is always there with a kind word to push through those tough spots. 

Her latest release, Ciao- Book 3 in the Stories About Melissa series, releases today, August 15.  I am thrilled to help her spread the word and share some of her wisdom with you!

What We Talked About:

  • Writing books she was able to share with her daughters
  • Querying agents and getting rejections before hearing about self-publishing via Amazon
  • Learned all she could about publishing through Kindle and B&N, etc.
  • Marketing strategies- Social Networking, Blog Tours, Paid Advertising and plain old Word of Mouth.
  • Thinking outside the Box with promotion-- Holding Book Signings in Malls and Book Festivals (Orange County Book Festival)
  • Networking at Conferences and the energy and excitement of being with other writers.
  • If she could do it all over, she would make sure her books were completely ready before publishing, not jumping the gun.
  • Different methods of publishing: choosing between self and traditional publishing and going book by book.
  • Contests and prizes for her current release of Ciao including copies of books and some handmade necklaces from Etsy.
  • Contacting the librarian from the town where the stories are set to feature the books.

Bethany will be all over the place for her Release Day Bonanza and Blog Tour! Check out her blog for details and to find out how to win some incredible prizes!



  1. Thank you so much for this post! It was fun getting to skype with you and see you "in person". I appreciate it.

  2. Awesome stuff, Bethany! Congratulations on the publishing of Ciao :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Angela! Can't wait to read Ciao!

  3. I love Bethany! She's my BTF. So excited about the Ciao release!

  4. Let me think-- Best Twitter Friend? Thanks for coming over Raine Drop!

  5. :) Great stuff, Laura! Outside the box is where Indie Authors have to be. I will check out Bethany's books!!

    I just read a post this morning from the fab DD Scott (who runs the WG2E MUST check it out and interview DD) ... her post today was about being turned down for a book signing at Barnes and Noble. She's an indie author who's sold a zillion ebooks and was going to GIVE away ebook and swag at the event. According to DD, they stuttered through a "Nope" and wouldn't consider it.

    xx, Lauren

    1. I actually love DD's blog! But, like with you- I have to build up courage to invite people on.. Silly I know!


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