

Finding Your Readers with Holly Lisle

Holly Lisle's website is one of the very first websites I visited when I set out to learn about writing.                                  

She has tons of free information for people wanting to publish their work and many books and courses to help writers develop their craft.

What we talked about:

  • The changes in the publishing industry since she published her first book in the early '90s.
  • Building buzz as she blogged about her writing process.
  • Growing a huge following for courses, not as much for fiction.
  • Trying to find out who her readers are.
  • Self-Publishing her work up on Kindle, Nook, Kobo etc.
  • The best way to build an author brand is to be yourself.
  • Loading her back list onto epublishing platforms.
  • Why she believes writers should sell their books on their own site.
  • Formatting your own work via Scrivener software.
  • Why she doesn't like Smashwords.
  • Getting your e-books up first and set up POD after.
  • If you have a book ready, don't wait to grow a platform-- Publish!
  • A book she recommends How To Make a Killing on Kindle

Please leave any questions you have for Holly in the comments!

  Fiction                                                      Non-Fiction



  1. I like the sound of this. (I don't like Smashwords either.) Am rushing off to HOlly's website! Thanks for the link!

    1. Cool Karen- you won't be disappointed, I promise!

  2. Laura ~ Holly ROCKS! I downloaded her 99 cent Kindle version of "Mini Plot Clinic" (might not be the exact title, but close...) over my vacation and found it to be immensely helpful with outlining my next book! She's smart and knows her stuff! Highly recommend!

    xx, Lauren

  3. Great interview! I agree with Lauren, HOLLY ROCKS!

  4. Holly's great - awesome to see her here too! :)

    1. It's a small world Jemi- we both have good taste!!

  5. I absolutely love that Holly says,"be yourself". But who else would you be? What at relief. Not everyone is going to like you, but some people will. Why waste a lot of time and energy trying to control and predict what people are going to like. It's impossible to do that anyway.
    How refreshing. Great interview.

  6. Great interview. Some really good information.

  7. Holly, thanks for sharing all this information. I had to take notes.

    I was completely unaware that one could format ebooks in scrivener. This is useful info.

    I was surprised to find out that you pay to have your ebooks formatted. You are one of those people who I have pegged to format her ebooks herself. This really gives me some food for thought. Maybe I don't want to try to do that part myself.

    Also, thanks for the info on Smashwords. I knew you didn't like it, but I didn't know why.

    1. Hi Catie- I am editing my first novel and feel like I'd rather pay someone to get my formatting done- what's your experience been like? I'm eager to learn so I make the right choice...

  8. Thanks for sharing this interview and video. I, too am a kindle author and am interested in info pertaining to self-publishing. Blessings, Deborah H. Bateman-Author

    1. Hi Deborah- I think the self-publishing community is fascinating- glad you found the interview interesting!

  9. I've taken two of Holly's courses (How to Think Sideways and How to Revise Your Novel) back when they were online options only, and she kicked my arse. My brain never worked so hard outside of school! I feel I've earned a PhD in Writing. I have a Masters in Writing and feel that was wasted--I didn't learn NOTHING compared to what Holly taught me. :) Holly I wish you only the best and HUGE success! Would love seeing your work on HBO, too, along with True Blood, Game of Thrones, and my other favorites. Holly, all your students send you love and good wishes all the time! :D Cheers, Carl

    1. Thanks Carl! I've never read Holly's fiction but seeing how much I enjoy her non fiction I have no doubt I'll become a fan!

    2. I see what you mean Carl,,it seems your phD was a complete waste of time,old scrumpit; 'arse' is usually the reserve of street venicular, where you'll be hard put during a semester lecture lkely to learn a term like Arse,,ASS yes, but hardly Arse,, and it is , I didn't learn anything' since you already have a negative ta boot, up the arse,

  10. As an avid student of Holly's courses, I can't speak highly enough about her personal writing talents; also her ability to express her knowledge of the required skills and crafts in an extensive, informative, and inspirational style. There's nothing to beat the Lisle style.

    However, in addition to the obvious gems contained within this great interview, I spotted one thing that, if nothing else, puts me on a par with Holly - and I intend to think about it whenever I doubt my ability to become an accomplished writer (which is more often than I care to admit). To what am I referring? Why, the bookshelves in the cover photo, of course. They look very much like my own... so, in that respect, I feel I've made a good beginning. And with Holly's able assistance and tutoring, there's every possibility that I'll progress further.
    Thanks for making this interview available.
    Grumps. ;-)

  11. Lauara and Holly, thanks for the interview. I'm working my way slowly through Holly's How to Think Sideways course, and have learned so much!


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