

Is Paranormal Dead? with Lynn Rush

I was introduced to Lynn Rush
by my friend Kendall Grey. I joined Kendall on one of Lynn's Twitter Parties at hashtag #Rushed. She holds fun contests and I won a copy of her latest book Violet Midnight. Since I'm the type of girl who's never satisfied I decided to take it one step further and ask for an interview!

What we talked about:

Never planned on being a writer after being forced to read and write A LOT during grad school.

After discovering author Frank Peretti she realized she had a story buried in her.

First finished manuscript is hidden away, but it was good practice.

Found a critique partner and learned about structure and POV.

Submitted a lot, and kept writing through all the rejections.

It wasn't until her thirteenth book that she got published.

Signed with an agent, who helped with contracts for Wasteland.

Agent recently left the industry, but that hasn't stopped her.

Took some online marketing classes, but really just likes meeting people.

Her publishers are smaller Independent presses, they help with reviews and mailing lists.

Doesn't know anything about formatting or book design, so prefers to publish traditionally.

Working on a trilogy to self-publish with author friend Kendall Grey.

Amazon and Barnes and Noble put Violet Midnight for sale a month before official due date.

Is Paranormal dead? It'll never be dead, just constantly changing- it's so subjective.

The best advice she can give to new writers is to research agents and not take the first offer without being sure it's the right offer for you.

Mixed results with Facebook ads, but likes Goodreads ads.

Blog Tours are great because of interaction with readers, book blogs are the best for word of mouth promo.

Lynn donates a portion of proceeds to American Cancer Society in memory of her mother in law who died shortly after the release of Wasteland.


Now I want to know what YOU think? Is there still a market for paranormal? I have always been a paranormal reader, but the industry shifts all time and I'm always curious how others feel. Let me know below in the comments!


  1. Yay. Thanks for this!!! :) It was super fun chatting with you! :)

  2. The paranormal industry is NOT dead! Ask the writers and blogggers of paranormal and I think they'll agree with me. In fact, I believe it's super hot right now; vampires are definitely still in and anything supernatural, for that matter. But what the heck do I know? I write in the genre so I'm definitely bias. Maybe hopeful. LOL

    1. I'm with you, Deborah!! I think as long as you have a unique story and great writing.... :)

  3. I don't write in the genre but I definitely don't think paranormal is dead. I'm hoping the wave of formulaic paranormal books is over, but there is definitely still room for those who have strong characters and a solid plot.

    1. Exactly. Strong characters and a solid plot. :) Write on! :)

  4. P.S. I may not write in the genre but I do read in the genre, and I definitely still have an appetite for these types of stories! :-)

  5. I think the market always has its ups and down. Last year it was YA dystopia; this year it's erotica... who knows what next year will bring? But all genres are - and always will be - read, in my opinion.

    1. Hi, Talli. The only thing constant is change, right? Got to write what you love. Everyone told me my characters were too old for YA but too young for Adult...And now look, there's New Adult!

  6. Loved this interview, ladies. You covered a lot of ground. Nice job!


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