

Six Questions with Jennifer Snyder

 A few months ago I found the blog of author Jennifer Snyder. I obviously read a lot of blogs, but the thing that impressed me about Jennifer's was that she posted her monthly sales from the start of her self-publishing career. This gives you realistic expectations of what your results might be like after you put your book up for sale.

1. When you had your first manuscript ready, did you query agents and publishers?

I did attempt the dreaded query letter! I sent quite a few out for both Marked and Shattered Soul. Probably not as many as most, some would say I gave up too quickly, but I’m happy with where I am and that’s all that matters.

2. Your books all have beautiful covers, what was the process like getting the covers just right?

Thank you! The entire process was very exciting! I swear I was obsessed with checking my email because I couldn’t wait to see the final project! I knew exactly what I wanted the covers for each of my novels to look like before contacting my cover artist, so the process went fairly smoothly.

3. What has been the most successful tool you've used to market your books?

This is a tough one. If I had to pick one, I’d have to say Goodreads. There is an astounding amount of people who are on there all the time. It’s a great place for readers and authors alike.

4. How do you stay in touch with your readers? 

I blog. It’s an area where readers can learn when I’m putting something new out or have a promotion going on. I also Tweet, which is a much faster way readers can contact me or let me know something.

5. You're a busy mom in addition to an author, do you have a schedule or do you fly by the seat of your pants?

I did have a schedule. I wrote during “quiet time”. This is a time when my two children have to go spend an hour in their rooms. They don’t have to take a nap, but they do have to play quietly. Now though, both of my kiddos are in school this year so I’m a seat of your pants kind of writer.

6. If you could change one thing you've done during your career, what would it be?

There’s not a single thing I would change. Everything I've been through, all the highs and the lows, led me to this point in time. I’m so extremely happy with my choices. Not many people can say that they have their dream job…but I can and it feels wonderful! I can’t thank the readers and bloggers who have given me a chance enough.


Jennifer is the author of YA Contemporary and Paranormal Romance Fiction. She'll be on tour with The Unloved in November, be sure to stop by and tell her I sent you!


  1. Great interview, Laura. Love the covers! Will have to check out Jennifer's books. :)

  2. Thank you so much for having me, Laura!

  3. Hi from down South! Glad you made the connection with Jennifer, Laura, and thanks for introducing her!

  4. Very nice interview! See, Laura? I'm not the only fly-by-seat-of-your-pants out there! ;o) Best wishes to you Jennifer!


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