

Six Questions with Devyn Dawson

Devyn Dawson caught my eye when I first saw the cover to her novel The Light Tamer. I'm sure you'll agree it's a gorgeous book.

The sequel to The Light Tamer- Enlightened- has just been released, so I invited Devyn onto Six Question Saturday during her blog tour!

1. How many drafts do you typically go through before you upload a book?  

It depends on the book.  Enlightened was the first book that had a major change in the MS.  When I say major, I mean major.  I decided that the ending to the third book would be used for Enlightened.  

2. What authors have influenced you the most?

  Before I ever published my first book, I was enthralled with J.K. Rowling.  Since I've published my first book, I've been influenced by authors such as Quinn Loftis, Tiffany King, Shelly Crane and many others.

3. Did you query agents or publishers before you first self-published? 

 I did for my book The Legacy of Kilkenny.  I wouldn't bother with them now that I've self published.  Creative control is extremely rewarding, especially when you get a note from a reader telling you how much they liked the book.

4. How do you feel about exclusivity programs like KDP Select?

  I think it is a good tool for authors that are starting to build their platform.  I've used the program and it served me well.  

5. What would you do differently if you could start all over again?  

I should have built an online audience before I released my book.  The mistakes I've made along the way have made me a better writer and person

6. What marketing tools have been the most effective for you?  

Having an attractive cover is the most important marketing tool a person can have.  Don't think for a minute that people don't judge a book by the cover....they do.  My covers make gorgeous marketing products.  My bookmarks and mini-posters are very pretty and fans enjoy having them.   


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Laura for having me on your blog. I'm honored to be here. There is a giveaway going on for a $50.00 gift card.


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