

Six Questions with M.M. Shelley

Today I have an interview to present by author M.M. Shelley

I don't typically do interviews on weekdays, but since I love to support authors whenever I can, I broke the rules!

1. What author has influenced you the most in your writing?

There have been so many, but I would have to say Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway and Agatha Christie are my top three.

2. Do you use outlines?

Yes, I do outline and I also create character profiles that include what they look. I found this helps me keep track of the simple things like hair and eye color.

3. What is your editing process?

I work with an editor and beta readers. They are worth their weight in gold.

4. What works best for getting word out about your latest book?

I'm terrible at self-promotion! So that's why I find virtual book tours a wonderful source for promotion. I also belong to GLAWS: Greater Los Angeles WritersSociety and they are always putting together great events and programs which I take full advantage of.

5. If you could start over, what about this whole process would you do differently?

Everything is a learning process, you can't succeed without failing a few times.

6. How do you stay in touch with your readers?

With Social Media! I can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, my blog and my website.



1 comment:

  1. HI Laura! Thanks for breaking your rules today and for having me!


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