

Six Questions with Alicia Wright Brewster

Bonjour, and Happy Saturday! This is my first Saturday as a Published Author! Yes, you did read that right. In case you didn't hear, I went ahead and published The Forgotten Ones on Monday. I am so excited and it's all been great. Especially the reviews that have been coming in. 

Today I have Alicia Wright Brewster, author of Echo, in the hot seat for Six Question Saturday. Welcome to Finding Bliss Alicia!

Was there a certain book or author that inspired you to write?

My dedication in ECHO says, “To my sister Kenya, for inspiring me.” Kenya is also an author. She didn’t inspire me to write; more like, she showed me through her own determination that I could do it. Other authors inspire me to constantly grow and change in my writing. These are the writers whose works I adore, including Brandon Sanderson, Laini Taylor, and Ilona Andrews.

Do you plan out your novel or just fly by the seat of your pants?

I’m a planner all the way.

I know the book’s ending and something about my world or magic system before I get started. Then I write a short paragraph about each character, along with an appearance profile. Then I create a list of all the scenes I plan to put in the novel, which can be anywhere from 40 to 100. I generally try to write the scenes in order, but I jump around if I get stuck. Despite all my planning, I always keep an open mind about modifying my scene list, and I allow my characters to evolve—in which case I go back during my revisions and make everything consistent throughout.

How do you edit?

No one sees my first draft except me. From start to finish, I go through the manuscript, revising my word choices and fleshing out descriptions. All the while, I take notes on aspects of the story and characters that are changing as I go along, so that I can make them consistent on my next pass through. I do these revision passes two or three times before I’m happy with it. Then I transfer the manuscript to my Kindle and read it without editing, which allows me to follow-up with a set of content revisions.

Next, the book goes to beta readers, content editors, or both. Based on their feedback, I change more stuff. Then I take another pass through the manuscript, concentrating on line editing—tightening up the language. I’m mostly done at that point. The manuscript may go to other line editors, and it gets proofread probably two times.

Did you build a platform before releasing a book?
Yes and no. Before my first publication I was on Goodreads and Twitter, and I was blogging—but that’s just because I’m a part of the online reading community. When my first publication was scheduled, I built my author website and began to put myself out there as an up-and-coming author.

How have you found the right readers for you?
I’m still working on that, and I imagine I will be for the whole of my writing career. A writer’s work is never done! I’m involved in some promotions, and I hope my audience will find ECHO through those promotions or by word of mouth, reviews, etc.

If you could start all over, what would you do differently?

I don’t know that I’d do anything differently. Everything I’ve done with respect to my writing has been a joy and a learning experience. It would be nice if I could write faster, but I don’t know which of my past experiences I could change to make that happen!

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  1. great cover and can't wait to read it!!!

  2. Thank you so much, Laura, for participating in my tour!


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