

Six Questions with Heather Self

I know, I know! It's been absolutely ages since I've done Six Question Saturday, and I'm sure you're all just ready to come after me with torches and pitchforks. But, before you do anything rash please read this awesome interview with author of The Kin Series,Heather Self. I met Heather this summer at UtopYA which you may not know since I've been a blog slacker! Heather has an awesome surprise at the end, so stay tuned!

1. What inspired you to write your first book?

Basically, I was challenged to do Nanowrimo by Michelle Leighton, Tammara Webber, and Addison Moore. I thought they were crazy, but I did it and The One was the result.

2. What has changed about your editing process since your first book?

I do A LOT of editing as I go now. I have to have the chapter perfectly right before I can go on to the next one.

3. What works best for getting word out about your latest book?

Music with a driving beat! I have playlists called "Word count" Also, for some reason I can really get some writing done to Maroon 5.

4. Do you think it's necessary to have your work professionally edited?

Absolutely! They'll catch things you don't. Plus it's much easier to edit someone else's stuff then your own. 

5. What would you do differently if you could start all over again?

Establish a good writing routine from Day 1 so my output was more consistent.

6.What are your top 3 favorite books and why?

This is an impossible question!! HP series, because it's sheer brilliance. Emma by Jane Austen, I love her word-smithery and the characters, then there are just too many others that I love to narrow it down...maybe the Chronicles of Narnia? They're pretty timeless. Whew. That was a hard one.


With my return to Six Question Saturdays, I've decided to stir things up and invite the authors to do a giveaway! Heather has upped the ante and offered TWO ebook sets of her Kin series
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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