Laura Howard: Cover Revamp: The Legacy of Kilkenny by Devyn Dawson


Cover Revamp: The Legacy of Kilkenny by Devyn Dawson

The Legacy of Kilkenny is the first full length novel I wrote.  Pru and Abel, will always be my first love and my favorite werewolves.  Since The Great Wolf will be out later in 2013, and the cover is of Abel, I thought Pru deserves her own cover.  Eden Crane outdid herself!  I think the essence of Pru was captured in the cover model.  As TLOK reaches the second anniversary in June, I thought it was a good time for a facelift.  

The book is FREE on Amazon.  If you have a Nook, Barnes and Noble will price-match.  Find out why The Legacy of Kilkenny consistently stays in the top 100 Free e-books in Teen Literature.  Thank you for reading my books!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful new cover! This, along with the great blurb, would make me pick the book up for sure.


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